C O L O R B U R S T 3 0 0 0 (C)1987 CB will allow for a seamless interface with other packages. Just run CB.PRG, call the 'other.prg' and edit your picture. When you are happy just hit ALT-HELP and the screen will be saved to a special CB buffer. Exit the 'other.prg' and you are back in CB. Hit F10 and the captured screen is restored to actual screen. ...There are two sets of menus. The TOP menu handles most file access and program calling functions. The WORK menu allows for limited editting and style selection. STYLE and ZOOM EDIT in the EDIT menu will be the most often used. STYLE allows the selection of a working (drawing) color, line size, paste mode and fill type. Exit a specific mode by hitting RETURN. Once out of "change mode" click on FINISHED to leave. ZOOM EDIT allows fine detail work to be done on a given area. Select the region by clicking the mouse on the desired area of the condensed screen. Select the color index by clicking on it. IMPORT a NEO or DEGAS palette into a range (0-49 == 000-199 lines/screen) by selecting those buttons. Modify a color mix or line range by changing the numbers displayed. The colors displayed at any given time are those of the first 16 colors for a range (non bursted approximations). To see how a picture looks exit all menu items and hit the SPACE BAR (once).